Where To Recycle Electronics In New York
Other Locations
View a map of electronics drop-off locations or contact the following businesses or organizations to drop off, recycle, or donate your electronics.
Please note that some sites charge fees or don’t accept certain items. Check the location’s website or contact them to confirm before you drop off the items.
NewTech Recycling
NewTech Recycling offer comprehensive corporate e-waste recycling solutions to help you dispose of your electronic devices securely. From old computers and laptops to printers, scanners, and other electronic equipment, they have the expertise to handle a wide range of electronic waste items.
You can return unwanted electronics to manufacturers for recycling or disposal for free. Electronic manufacturers, such as Samsung, Sony, or Toshiba, must accept electronics from residents at no cost.
Cell phones can also be dropped off at any store that sells service plans.
You can find more information about recycling electronics at the store where you purchased the item or at any store that sells the item. You can also call the manufacturer or check your brand’s website.
The NY State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) keeps a list of registered electronics manufacturers and information about their e-waste acceptance programs on its website.
Find e-waste acceptance programs.
Many brands offer free mail-back options. Check the manufacturer’s website or visit the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), which has a list of electronic equipment manufacturers registered in New York State. If a manufacturer refuses to recycle your electronics, report the company to NYSDEC online or call 1-800- 847-7332.
All Green Recycling
All Green Electronics Recycling offers local recycling drop off locations nationwide. Their Nationwide network of e-waste recycling centers allow you to find a local solution for electronics recycling, data destruction and on-site hard drive shredding near you. To find Recycling Near Me, navigate through the list to find an e-waste drop-off location near you or request an e-waste recycling pickup.